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GOOD BIRDS 2015 - Digiscope w/Panasonic Lumix FX30 + Leica Televid 77 or 62mm Scope or PhoneSkope w/Galaxy S5,
- other photos Panasonic Lumix FZ50 or Nikon D90 120-400mm.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, adult male on Bradford Pear Tree, Cox Hall Creek WMA, Villas, NJ. 12/21/2015.
Red-throated Loon, Sunset Beach/Concrete Ship, Cape May, NJ. 12/10/2015
Clay-colored Sparrow, field across road from Beanery parking lot, West Cape May, NJ. 11/16/2015
Cave Swallows, over Hawk Watch, Cape May Point State Park, NJ. 11/15/2015
Ash-throated Flycatcher, Magnesite Plant parking lot, Cape May, NJ. 11/15/2015
Western Kingbird, Beanery, West Cape May, NJ. 11/14/2015
Franklin's Gull, 1st winter Formative Plumage, with Laughing Gulls, beach at Ferry Terminal, North Cape May NJ. 11/13/2015
Lark Sparrow, probable 1st winter, parking lot, Magnesite Plant, Cape May, NJ. 11/11/2015
Iceland Gull, darker juvenile, Sunset Beach/Concrete Ship, Cape May, NJ. 11/11/2015
Calliope Hummingbird, private yard, Cape May County, NJ. 10/27/2015
Barn Owl, perched in tree, Cape May Point StatePark, NJ. 11/09/2015
Golden Eagle, juvenile, note only small amount of white on wings, from my yard on Sea Grove Ave., Cape May, NJ. 11/04/2015
Ibis, Juvenile, White-faced or Glossy, consensus is White-faced, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May , NJ. 10/24/2015

Sora, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 10/25/2015
Grasshopper & Vesper Sparrows, Steven St. fields, The Beanery West Cape May, NJ. /2015
Northern Harriers, juveniles, form Hawk Watch, Cape May Point State park, NJ. 10/23/2015
American Bittern, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 10/19/2015
Bald Eagles in Talon Grip, Hawk Watch platform, Cape May Point State Park, NJ. 10/15/2015
Bald Eagle stealing fish from Osprey, Hawk Watch platform, Cape May Point State Park, NJ. 10/14/2015.
Common Gallinule, juvenile, Lake Lily. Cape May Point, NJ. 10/14/2015
Sandwich Terns, adult and probable 1st winter, beach at 2nd Ave. Jetty, Cape May, NJ. 10/13/2015
Dickcissel, probably 1st year bird, Hawk Watch, Cape May Point State Park, NJ 10/13/2015
Eurasian Wigeon, Drake, Bunker Pond, Cape May Point State Park, NJ/2015
Bell's Vireo, 1st field Higbee Beach WMA, near concrete platform, Cape May, NJ. 10/11/2015
Hudsonian Godwit, juvenile, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 10/08/2015
Golden Eagle, juvenile, South Cape May Meadows parking lot, NJ. 10/06/2015

Cape May Warbler, Hawk Watch Platform, Cape May Point State Park, NJ. 10/05/2015
Peregrine Falcon, Hawk Watch, Cape May Point State Park, NJ. 09/29/2015
Western Kingbirds, N. Beach Dr., Reeds Beach, Cape May County, NJ. 09/24/2015
Zone-tailed Hawk, Cape May CMBO Hawk Watch, Cape May Point State Park, NJ. 09/23/2015
Buff-breasted Sandpiper, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 09/05/2015
Upland Sandpiper, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 09/05/2015
Caspian Tern, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 08/31/2015
Wilson's Phalarope, adult male, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 08/31/2015
Baird's Sandpiper, juvenile, same bird again, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 08/31/2015
Baird's Sandpiper, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 08/27/2015
Common Nighthawk, parking lot area, Higbee Beach WMA, Cape May, NJ. 08/26/2015
Black Swan, Australian native, probable Escapee, Bunker Pond, Cape May Point State Park, NJ 08,09/2015
White Ibis, 3 juveniles, Bunker Pond, Cape May Point State Park, Cape May, NJ. 08/05/2015
White Ibis, juvenile, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 08/03/2015
Sora, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 08/02/2015
Black Skimmer, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 07/28/2015
Stilt Sandpiper, Short-billed Dowitcher, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 07/28/2015
White Ibis, Visitor's Center, Rte. 52Bridge, Ocean City, NJ. 07/07/2015
Black-Crowned & Yellow-Crowned Night-Herons, Visitors Center, Rte. 52 Bridge, Ocean City, NJ. 07/07/2015
Sandwich Tern, South Cape May Meadows, sand island just east of Main Trail from bridge area,
Cape May, NJ. 06/15/2015

Black Tern, molting adult, South Cape May Meadows, sand island just east of Main Trail from bridge area,
Cape May, NJ. 06/15/2015
Osprey, over Bunker Pond from Hawkwatch platform, Cape May Point State Park, NJ. 06/11/2015
Ruby-throated Hummingbird, my yard, 627 Seagrove Ave., Cape May, NJ. 06/11/2015
Pelagic Trip, from Cape May, NJ to the area of Wilmington/Spencer Canyons
. 05/25/2015
Mississippi Kites, 4 seen from Coral Ave. Dune Crossover, Cape May Point, NJ. 05/22/2015
Common Nighthawk, tree branch on Sea Grove Ave., Cape May, NJ. 05/19//2015
White-faced Ibis, pond on Stipson Island Rd., Cape May County, NJ. 05/16/2015
Iceland Gull, 1st. winter, Norbury's Landing beach, NJ. 05/17/2015
Parasitic Jeager, Coral Ave. Dune crossover, Cape May Point, NJ. 05/06/2015
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, front feeder, my residence, Sea Grove Ave., Cape May, NJ. 05/04/2015
Red-headed Woodpecker, Cape May Point State Park, area of gate to Sea Grove Ave., NJ. 05/04/2015
Seaside Sparrow, Jakes Landing, NJ. 04/30/2015
Belleplain Birds, Summer Tanager, White-eyed Vireo, Ovenbird, Orchard Oriole, Prairie Warbler, Belleplain State Forest, NJ. 04/30/2015
American Avocets, six, Brigantine National Wildlife Refuge, Atlantic County, 04/26/2015
American White Pelican, Brigantine National Wildlife Refuge, Atlantic County, NJ. 04/26/2015
Whimbrel, Brigantine National Wildlife Refuge, Atlantic County, NJ. 04/26/2015
Cattle Egret, over Cape May Point State Park, NJ. 04/22/2015
Great Horned Owl, on nest with 2 owlets, Cape May Point, NJ. 04/06/2015
Neotropic Cormorant, probably a 2nd yr. bird, New State Bird for me, Red Mill Pond above dam, Clinton, Hunterdon County, NJ. 04/01/2015
Peregrine Falcon, eating a Horned Grebe, Coral Ave. dune crossover, Cape May Point, NJ. 03/25/2015
Northern Gannet, Coral Ave. Crossover, Cape May Point, NJ. 03/19/2015
Eurasian Wigeon, Lighthouse Pond West, Cape May Point State Park, NJ. 03/13/2015
Lapland Longspur, (with Savannah Sparrow), Cape May Point State Park, NJ. /2015
Red-necked Grebe, sleeping, showing some color, Lily Lake, Cape May Point, NJ. 03/02/2015
Canvasback, drake, sleeping with Canada Geese on Lily Lake, Cape May Point, NJ. 02/20/2015
Black-headed Gull, Concrete Ship/Sunset Beach, Cape May, NJ 01/25/2015
Black-headed Gull, Concrete Ship/Sunset Beach, Cape May, NJ. 01/21/2015
Ruddy Shelduck, probable "Escapee", front lawn pond, Evoy Funeral Home, North Cape May, NJ. 01/19/2015
Common Redpoll, rear feeders, CMBO Northwood Center, Cape May Point, NJ. 001/14/2015
Common Mergansers, female type, Champlain Lake, Villas, NJ. 01/10/2015
White-winged Dove, in Holly Tree near corner of Coral and Yale Aves., Cape May Point, NJ. 01/02/2015
Redheads, South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, NJ. 01/02/2015.
Common Eiders, St. Mary's Jetty, Cape May Point, NJ. 01/01/2015

Wilson's Snipe, on island, Lily Lake, Cape May Point, NJ. 01/01/2015